How to Build a Timeless Marketing Strategy
You want to earn your customer’s confidence at the time when they have less time to spend and more options to consider. So it’s more important than ever for you to communicate the value you can deliver in a clear, easy, and powerful way.
Each of the marketing tactics you can use can be a very powerful tool, but it can easily become the chink in your marketing armor if your marketing strategy is not flexible and easy to evolve and adapt to a constantly changing market.
So how can you make sure your marketing is built on a solid strategic framework that allows you to generate great ideas, stay on brand, and move at the speed of the market.
“Content that tries to sell, doesn’t. Content that tries to help, does.”
The Golden Circle
Every great marketer knows that there is one core truth of business that must be at the heart of everything they do. The customers are the business.
The Golden Circle is an innovative concept presented by Simon Sinek in his TED Talk "Start with Why". It's super inspiring and challenges the status quo at its core for identifying your purpose for what you want to do in business, and in life.
Here we will use the framework to help you shape your marketing strategy.
With the customers at the centre of your strategy whiteboard use the golden circle framework to create your marketing strategy:
The Why: Why would your customers care?
Identify the key reasons why they would care about your product lineup. These key reasons are usually framed as problems.
For example, if you were selling drills, the reason they would care is not because your drill is cordless and fast, instead, they would care because they really need to hang those curtains, or build a treehouse for their kids.
When you know the reason, that can inform the key messages you use in your marketing, ads, titles of blog posts, and social media posts.
The How: How would they like things done?
Learn about the ways they want those problems solved that would help them make a decision. These ways are usually framed in the form of wishes or needs.
If we go back to our drill example, ask yourself what is the way they wish the drill would work. They may wish to be fast, easy to use, wireless. This might be the most important element that your copy should focus on instead of the features of your product.
When you know the wishes of your customers, you can put your marketing, ads, titles of blog posts, and social media posts on high speed.
The What: What are the questions they are asking?
Learn about the questions your customers are asking. Customers had all kinds of online platforms and forums where they keep asking around the problem they want to solve.
You can probably find a gold mine of great information and insights that will help you cast a wide net and attract even more customers to explore your product and your band as they search for a solution to their problem that grants their wishes and answers their questions.
By putting your customers front and center in your marketing and using the Golden Circle to build and shape your marketing message, brands can make the biggest possible impact and attract loyal customers for the right reasons.
Develop marketing promotions and loyalty programs to build consumer trust
Brands can leverage the Golden Circle theory in a number of different ways, from smaller campaigns like gift with purchase promotions and sweepstakes contests to long-term solutions like customer loyalty programs. Over time, they can gain greater insights into their consumers’ needs, motivations, and purchase behaviors and earn their trust through personalized content and messaging.
3 tier logic’s PLATFORM³ helps brands foster awareness, engagement, and trust through marketing campaigns like sweepstakes, gift with purchase promotions, loyalty programs, and more. Modules like Dynamic Messaging, Points & Gamification, and Data Capture & Analytics gives marketers the tools and information they need to build effective campaigns and drive business growth. To learn more, book a demo with our team today.